Lesson 8: Missing Syllables & the /aew/ and /oy/

Goals for this Lesson:

  1. Find out how some words drop syllables and how others shift sounds.
  2. Know how to pronounce the vowels /aew/ and in cow, /ay/ as in hi and /oy/ as in toy.
  3. Learn the ways /aew/ and /oy/ can be spelled.
  4. Pass our short quiz with at least 80% accuracy.

Step 1

Missing Syllables

Learn how certain words, like camera, drop a vowel leaving it without an expected syllable. Please download the lesson to your computer first.  Use your workbook to follow along.

Missing Syllables

Homework For Lesson 8

Step 2

Pronunciation Lesson 7

Video 1

Video 5

Video 9

Video 2

Video 6

Video 3

Video 7

Video 4

Video 8

Step 3

The /aw/ as in cow and brown

Please repeat after me…

/aw/ Words- Slow Pace

/aw/ Words- Normal Pace

/aw/ Sentences- Slow Pace

/aw/ Sentences- Normal Pace

Grace made a great cake.

The pay rate may not be favored in the organization.

Our vacation place was famous for its high elevation.

What a pain to take a date out in the rain.

The grade on the paper made me elated.

Wait for the snake to eat the alligator.

Pronouncing the /ay/ as in fine and hi

/ay/ Words-Slow Pace

/ay/ Words- Normal Pace

/ay/ Sentences- Slow Pace

/ay/ Sentences- Normal Pace

How is the brown cow now?

The coward was astounded when the bad guys surrounded the town.

He frowned because there wasn’t a dry towel in the house.

We found out that the south was renowned for its proud sound.

How do you pronounce the vowels in downtown?

Download music for our surround sound.

The /oy/ as in boy and noise

/oy/ Words- Slow Pace

/oy/ Words- Normal Pace

/oy/ Sentences- Slow Pace

/oy/ Sentences- Normal Pace

The spoiled boy didn’t enjoy the toy.

Those loyal to the royalty were disappointed.

Don’t be annoyed by my choice of employment.

Avoid boiling the oysters in soy sauce.

Joyce destroyed her shirt with soil and oil.

I pointed out that I enjoyed her voice.

Step 4

Take the Lesson 8 Quiz

Quiz 8


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